keep in mind that sometimes its talking about the NATIONALITY, not the location.
I know of no records in antiquity where Tyre is referenced as a nationality. Rather, the people of Tyre's nationality was Phoenician. I have the feeling this is something that has been pulled out of thin air by Christian apologists (A.K.A. the most dishonest people on the planet).
But none the less we know the Bible passage IS referencing the city of Tyre because:
- A.) It specifically differentiates between the city of Tyre and its "dependent towns" (Ezekiel 26:6,8)
- B.) It specifically references Tyre as being on an Island (Ezekiel 26:15,18). If it were referencing a "nationality" this would not be the case as only one city (Tyre) was on an Island. Not all of Phoenicia.
- C.) It calls Tyre the "city of the Sea" (Ezekiel 26:17).
Also, even if we grant your premise that it was referencing a "nationality", it STILL gets it wrong. Because the people who lived in Tyre weren't destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar and their inhabitants are still there to this day.
So in this case the nationality of Tyre would be families of Edomites which did see an invansion from him.
This is even worse. It's not only not right - it's not even wrong. Just because someone CAN come up with an explanation doesn't meant that actually IS the explanation. You have to have something you can point to that allows us to reach a conclusion. You don't just get to say "well it could have been this so we'll go with that."
It's blatantly clear that when the Bible references the city of Tyre - it's referencing the CITY of Tyre. And it specifically says that Nebuchadnezzar would breach the city walls and that he would tear down the buildings and that the city would be so thoroughly destroyed that it would never be rebuilt or found again.
Instead of following the evidence where it leads (the Bible got this wrong) they instead try to move the goal post by saying "oh the Bible wasn't really talking about the city of Tyre."
Why can't Christians just be honest?